Presseside for NTI A/S (Danmark)
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Marketingchef, Dorte Flemgaard Madsen
på [email protected] eller tlf.: 4435 0744.
NTI A/S er en førende full-service-leverandør af digitale løsninger til bygge-, design- og fremstillingsindustrien, og vi er over 150 dedikerede medarbejdere i Danmark, som hver dag leverer rådgivning, software og kompetenceudvikling.
NTI A/S er en del af NTI Group, som også har kontorer i Sverige, Norge, Tyskland, Island, Holland, Italien, Spanien, Finland, Frankrig, Storbritannien, Republikken Irland og Brasilien. NTI Group er Autodesk Platinum-partner og blandt de største Autodesk-partnere i verden med over 850 ansatte og en årlig omsætning på mere end EUR 345 mio.
Om brug af billeder: Alle billeder må kun bruges ved tydelig angivelse af:
NTI A/S og titel og navn på persone(-r) på billede (Director NTI Group, Jesper Kalko / Adm. direktør, Johan Harrestrup:
Billeder af adm. Direktør, Johan Harrestrup:
- 1 - high resolution | low resolution
- 2 - high resolution | low resolution
- 3 - high resolution | low resolution
Sambilleder af Director NTI Group, Jesper Kalko, og adm direktør, Johan Harrestrup:
Seneste pressemeddelelser
Vil du gerne blive klogere på, hvad der rører sig i NTI A/S og NTI Group? Du finder vores seneste pressemeddelelser her.
17.06.2024: NTI Group welcomes Brazilian MAPData
NTI Group, Europe’s leading software and service provider to the construction, design, manufacturing and media & entertainment industries, has today announced the acquisition of MAPData. The NTI Group thereby expands its footprint by entering Brazil and becomes a global player.
04.03.2024: NTI Group welcomes Creative Tools Sweden AB!
NTI Group, Europe’s leading software and services provider to the construction, design, and manufacturing industries, has today announced the acquisition of Creative Tools.
20.11.2023: NTI Group welcomes Irish Diatec group
NTI Group, Europe’s leading software and services provider to the construction, design, and manufacturing industries, has today announced the acquisition of the Diatec Group. The Diatec Group is Ireland’s largest Autodesk Partner.
02.10.2023: NTI Group welcomes Blue Graphics
NTI Group, one of Europe’s leading software and services providers to the construction, design, and manufacturing industries, has today announced the acquisition of the Autodesk Gold Partner Blue Graphics.
18.07.2023: NTI Group welcomes the French NAKO Group and Eurostudio
The NTI Group is now entering the French market by acquiring the NAKO Group along with Autodesk Gold Partner Eurostudio.
28.06.2023: Invent becomes part of NTI Denmark
Invent and their employees will join NTI Denmark as of June 28 2023.
01.06.2023: Johan Harrestrup new Managing Director of NTI Denmark A/S
As of the 1st of June 2023, Johan Harrestrup will take the seat as managing director in NTI A/S after Jesper Kalko.
03.04.2023: NTI Group welcomes Finnish ArkSystems!
The NTI Group enters the Finnish market. ArkSystems is the market leader in Autodesk AEC and M&E business in Finland.
Læs alle pressemeddelelser fra NTI Group her.